(Ostnokožci v českém ordoviku)
Originally published in: Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 44 (1-2): 63-68. Praha 1999 |
Rudolf J. Prokop1 - Václav Petr2
An updated list of echinoderm and "carpoid" groups and species in the Bohemian Ordovician is presented in the form of a table with a brief introduction.
Key words: Echinodermata, "Carpoidea", biostratigraphy, Ordovician, Bohemia
In the transgressive clastics and pyroclastics of the Třenice Formation there are only very rare and poorly preserved (sometimes even problematical) remains of cystoids, with the exception of the special sedimentary iron ore deposits in the mine "V Ouzkém", where we can meet a rich fossil fauna, including relatively abundant cystoids of both the groups Diploporita and Rhombifera, represented by fragments and even whole thecae of some stratigraphically significant genera as are Palaeosphaeronites, Echinosphaerites and Glyptosphaerites.
In the Mílina Formation, the echinoderm assemblage does not differ markedly from the previous one. A representative of Rhombifera, Macrocystella? sp., appears for the first time but the findings of this and other fossils are generally scarce and fragmentary.
During the sedimentation of clayey shales of the Klabava Formation the environment did not produce suitable conditions for the existence of echinoderms but in some layers of the calcareous tuffs the first remains of tiny inadunate crinoids in the Bohemian Ordovician have been encountered, particularly their isolated subtle columnals. We suppose that the tuffs formed relatively firm enclaves in the prevalent soft muddy bottom, and thus enabled crinoids to anchor their stems.
A marked turnover of the echinoderm fauna comes with the onset of the Llanvirnian transgression followed by deepening of the sedimentary basin. The number of individuals, species as well as higher taxa dramatically increases. Almost all echinoderm classes known from all over the world at this time are present in the Šárka Formation. From cystoids there are important genera Archegocystis and Pyrocystites (Diploporita), from crinoids especially the readily discernible columnals of ?Ramseyocrinus primus, the oldest Bohemian asterozoans are represented by relatively well-preserved skeletons of the somasteroid Archegonaster, archaic types of ophiuroids Palaeura and Eophiura, and some not yet described true asteroids. All the mentioned taxa are biostratigraphically significant for the Mediterranean palaeoprovince. "Carpoidea" are equally abundant, esp. the genera Mitrocystites, Mitrocystella, Lagynocystites, Balanocystites and Reticulocarpos. It ought to be stressed that here we are using only the old cumulative name "Carpoidea" because it is not the purpose of this article to discuss the problematical phylogenetic relationship of these strange creatures to true echinoderms or calcichordates.
Echinoderm assemblage of the Dobrotivá Formation differs from the previous one in the presence of some other species. While the genus Mitrocystites survives, three other "carpoid" genera are assigned to Prokopicystis, Anomalocystites, and Bohemiaecystis. Stem fragments of the crinoid Ramseyocrinus sp. have been discovered in both the shales and siliceous concretions, but members of other echinoderm groups are rare.
Although the echinoderm assemblage in the Libeň Formation is composed of only a few species, it points to the onset of a typically Caradocian fauna* from cystoids have been found e.g. genera Rhombifera and Echinosphaerites, from eocrinoids Ascocystites, from edrioasteroids "Hemicystites".
Echinoderm fauna of the Letná Formation shows a marked increase in animal diversity of the Barrandian basin. For example, crinoids are represented by the well-known species Caleidocrinus multiramus, eocrinoids by the genera Ascocystites and Mimocystites, coronate blastoids by the genus Mespilocystites, rhombiferan cystoids by Echinosphaerites, Macrocystella and Rhombifera, and edrioasteroids by several species of the cumulative "genera" Agelacrinites and Hemicystites. Skeletons of oegophiurids of the species Bohemura jahni are relatively frequent as well as mass occurrences of in-the-current-oriented thecae of the "carpoid" Dendrocystites barrandei. Sporadic but important are the findings of the rare paracrinoid Letenocrinus longibrachialis (as the members of the class Paracrinoidea have so far been known only from the regions of North America and Baltoscandia).
In the Vinice Formation, echinoderms are confined mostly to the sedimentary environment of oolitic iron ores, being represented by several palaeogeographically significant taxa, e.g. genera Echinosphaerites and Orocystites (Rhombifera), Fungocystites (Diploporita), Mespilocystites (Coronata), and a "carpoid" genus Anomalocystites. The prevalent muddy bottom of other parts of the Vinice Formation does not form a suitable environment for the life of echinoderms.
The echinoderm fauna of the Zahořany Formation constitutes a further abrupt increase in abundance and biostratigraphical importance, with components appearing also in other parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, eastern regions of Northern America, and eastern Australia. Especially frequent are cystoids of the genera Echinosphaerites (Rhombifera), Aristocystites and Codiacystis (Diploporita), while the "carpoid" Dendrocystites sedgwicki may become a useful index species for European and Asian correlation. Unfortunately, numerous edrioasteroids as well as placocystitid and lagynocystitid "carpoids" are not yet revised. Relatively common are the crinoids of the genus Polycrinus, ophiuroid Bohemura and the asteroid Siluraster.
Bohdalec Formation, with its muddy sedimentation, is less suitable for the development of echinoderms. Portions of stems and columnals of the crinoid "Encrinites" (= Caleidocrinus?) artifex are stratigraphically significant, while oegophiurids of the genus Taeniaster are palaeogeographically widespread; the species T. bohemicus is typical for the localities in the so-called "Polyteichus facies" representing relatively firm calcareous-silty substrate of the sedimentary basin but also occurs in the clayey shale of the common facies of the Bohdalec Formation. Resting trails of the latter species and its "brittlestar beds" are also discovered here, possibly the oldest in the world, because the so far known oldest brittlestar beds have been reported from the Permian of U.S.A.
Echinoderms of the Králův Dvůr Formation are scarce but useful for the purpose of correlation, esp. with the Baltoscandian region. They are represented with the cystoid species Echinosphaerites querendus and Eucystis chlupaci, crinoids ?Caleidocrinus artifex and Polycrinus kosoviensis, and the "carpoid" genus Placocystites.
At least, the sedimentary environment of the Kosov Formation does not seem to be very suitable for the life of echinoderms, and particularly very unhappy for their skeletal preservation itself. The majority of remains consist of fragments of the coronate blastoid Mespilocystites (similar to species from France and Iberian Peninsula) and resting trails of (?taeniasterid) ophiuroids originally described by Frič as Spongaster fallax (= Asteriacites fallax).
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V práci jsou charakterizovány jednotlivé stupně českého ordoviku z hlediska zastoupení ostnokožců a "karpoidů" a je zde zpřesněn seznam dosud popsaných druhů včetně jejich stratigrafického rozpětí.
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