John Dearborn
Ph.D. Stanford
John H. Dearborn, Professor Emeritus in Marine Sciences, in his laboratory,
210 Murray Hall, University of Maine. Photo taken September, 1999.
He is holding a specimen of Astrotoma agassizii, a large Antarctic brittle
Research interests
I retired officially in 1999 but continue my
research interests in marine benthic ecology, the biology of ophiuroids and the
roles of invcertebrates in marine forensic investigations. My top priority
is the completion of a guide to the Ophiuroidea of the northwest Atlantic in
depts from the intertidal to 1,200 meters
- The postmortem fate of human remains
Sorg, M.H., J.H. Dearborn, E.I.
Monahan, H.F. Ryan, K.G. Sweeney, and E. David. 1996. Forensic taphonomy in
marine contexts. Pages 567 - 604 in W.D. Haglund and M.H. Sorg (eds.),
Forensic taphonomy. The postmortem fate of human remains. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, Florida.
- 1996 Polar Biology
Dearborn, J.H., K.C. Edwards and G. Hendler. 1996.
The diet of Ophiosparte gigas (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) along the Antarctic
Peninsula, with comments on its taxonomic status. Polar Biology, 16: 309 -
320, 6 figures.
- 1995 Copeia
Eakin, R.R. and J.H. Dearborn. 1995. Hugh Hamilton DeWitt
1933-1995. Copeia, 1995 (3): 762-765, 1 figure. (Obituary)
- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Ojeda, F.P. and J.H.
Dearborn. 1991. Feeding ecology of benthic mobile predators: experimental
analyses of their influence in rocky subtidal communities of the Gulf of
Maine. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 149: 13 - 44, 7
- Marine Ecology Progress Series
Dearborn, J.H., K.C. Edwards and D.B.
Fratt. 1991. Diet, feeding behavior, and surface morphology of the multi-armed
Antarctic sea star Labidiaster annulatus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea). Marine
Ecology Progress Series, 77: 65 - 84, 9 figures.
- Fauna der Antarktis
Hendler, G., J.H. Dearborn and J.W. Wagele. 1990.
Ophiuroidea (Schlangensterne). Pages 176 - 181 in J. Sieg and J.W. Wagele
(eds.), Fauna der Antarktis. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg. 197 pages,
16 color plates. (Published in German)
- Fishery Bulletin
Ojeda, F.P. and J.H. Dearborn. 1990. Diversity,
abundance and spatial distribution of fishes and crustaceans in the rocky
subtidal zone of the Gulf of Maine. Fishery Bulletin, 88(2): 403 - 410, 3
- National Marine Fisheries Service
Messing, C.G. and J.H. Dearborn.
1990. Marine flora and fauna of the Northeastern United States. Echinodermata:
Crinoidea. NOAA Technical Report, National Marine Fisheries Service, 91, 30
pages, 18 figures.
- Journal of Plankton Research
Ferrari, F.D., and J.H. Dearborn. 1989. A
second examination of predation on pelagic copepods by the brittle star
Astrotoma agassizii. Journal of Plankton Research, 11(6): 1315 - 1320.
- Marine Ecology-Progress Series
Ojeda, F.P. and J.H. Dearborn. 1989.
Community structure of macroinvertebrates inhabiting the rocky subtidal zone
in the Gulf of Maine: seasonal and bathymetric distribution. Marine
Ecology-Progress Series, 57: 147 - 161, 6 figures.
- 1989 U.S. Marine Mammal Commission
Dearborn, J.H. 1989. Benthic fauna.
Pages 9 - 10 in L.B. Quetin and R.M. Ross (eds.), The biological basis for
area-wide protection at Palmer Station, Antarctica. Report of a Workshop held
at the University of California at Santa Barbara, California on 3-4 November,
1988. U.S. Marine Mammal Commission (Contract No. T6223924-6). 59 pages.
- American Geophysical Union
Dearborn, J.H., F.D. Ferrari and K.C.
Edwards. 1986. Can pelagic aggregations cause benthic satiation? Feeding
biology of the Antarctic brittle star Astrotoma agassizii (Echinodrmata:
Ophiuroidea). Biology of the Antarctic Seas XVII, Antarctic Research Series,
American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., Vol. 44: 1 - 28.
- 1986 American Geophysical Union
Eakin, R.R., J.H. Dearborn and W.C.
Townsend. 1986. Observations of marine birds in the South Atlantic Ocean in
the late austral autumn. Biology of the Antarctic Seas XVII, Antarctic
Research Series, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., Vol. 44: 69 -
- 1985 Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Akielaszek, J.J.,
J.R. Moring, S.R. Chapman and J.H. Dearborn. 1985. Experimental culture of
young rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax. Transactions of the American Fisheries
Society, 114: 596 - 603.
- 1985 Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
Dearborn, J.H. and K.C. Edwards.
1985 (1984 Review). Analysis of data on the feeding biology of Antarctic sea
stars and brittle stars. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 19(5): 138 - 139.
- 1984 Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
Dearborn, J.H., K.C. Edwards, D.B.
Fratt and W.E. Zamer. 1984 (1983 Review). Echinoderm studies along the
Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 18(5): 193 - 194.
- Polar Biology
Fratt, D.B. and J.H. Dearborn. 1984. Feeding biology of
the Antarctic brittle star Ophionotus victoriae (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea).
Polar Biology, 3: 127 - 139.
- American Geophysical Union
Speel, J.A. and J.H. Dearborn. 1983.
Comatulid crinoids from R/V Eltanin cruises in the Southern Ocean. Biology of
the Antarctic Seas XIII, Antarctic Research Series, American Geophysical
Union, Washington, D.C., Vol. 38: 1 - 60. (Paper 1)
- 1983 Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
Dearborn, J.H., L.E. Watling, K.C.
Edwards, D.B. Fratt, and G.L. Hendler. 1983 (1982 Review). Echinoderm biology
and general benthic collecting along the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic
Journal of the U.S., 17(5): 162 - 164.
- 1983ta Antarctic Journal the U.S.
Kellogg, D.E., T.B. Kellogg, J.H.
Dearborn, K.C. Edwards and D.B. Fratt. 1983 (1982 Review). Diatoms from
ophiuroid stomach contents: implications for sediment reworking on the
Antarctic continental shelf. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 17(5): 167 - 169.
- Marine Ecology-Progress Series
Shick, J.M., K.C. Edwards and J.H.
Dearborn. 1981. Physiological ecology of the deposit-feeding sea star
Ctenodiscus crispatus: ciliated surfaces and animal-sediment interactions.
Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 5: 165 - 184.
- Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
Dearborn, J.H., K.C. Edwards and D.B.
Fratt. 1982 (1981 Review). Feeding biology of sea stars and brittle stars
along the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 16(5): 136 -
- 1979 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Turner, R.L.
and J.H. Dearborn. 1979. Organic and inorganic composition of post-metamorphic
growth stages of Ophionotus hexactis (E.A. Smith) (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)
during intraovarian incubation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology, 36: 41 - 51.
- 1979ta Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Turner, R.L.
and J.H. Dearborn. 1979. Organic and inorganic composition of post-metamorphic
growth stages of Ophionotus hexactis (E.A. Smith) (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)
during intraovarian incubation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology, 36: 41 - 51.
- 1978 Antarctic Journal of the U.S
Dearborn, J.H., H.H. DeWitt, J.D.
McCleave, T.E. Targett, and E.F. Lowe. 1978. Benthic fishes and echinoderms in
the Scotia Arc region. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 13(4): 137 - 139.
- Smithsonian Institution
Dearborn, J.H. 1977. Foods and feeding
characteristics of Antarctic asteroids and ophiuroids. Pages 293 - 326 in G.A.
Llano (ed.), Adaptations within Antarctic ecosystems. Proceedings of the Third
SCAR Symposium on Antarctic Biology. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
- Planning Rept
Dearborn, J.H., 1977. The brittle star (Ophiura robusta)
in Maine and its relevance to the Critical Areas Program. A report prepared
for the Critical Areas Program, Natural Resource Planning Division, Maine
State Planning Office. Planning Rept. No. 50, 23 pp.
- 1977 Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
McCleave, J.D., J.H. Dearborn, and
H.H. DeWitt. 1977. Ecology of benthic fishes and echinoderms along the Scotia
Arc and the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 12(4): 19 -
- 1976 Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
DeWitt, H.H., J.D. McCleave and J.H.
Dearborn. 1976. Ecological studies of fishes and echinoderms during ARA Islas
Orcadas cruise 5. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 11(2): 49 - 53.
- 1974 Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
Dearborn, J.H. and F.J. Fell. 1974.
Ecology of echinoderms from the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Journal of the
U.S., 9(6): 304 - 306.
- World environments
Dearborn, J.H. 1973. Freshwater environments. Harper
and Row, New York. 10 p. text and set of 100 color slides. In H.B. Fell (ed.),
World environments. (Special Harper and Row series of color photographs and
accompanying text dealing with specific regions, each set published
- 1973 Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
Dearborn, J.H., A.J. Jordan, S.M.
Fried, H.T. King, and J.E. Miller. 1973. Ecological studies of echinoderms and
general marine collecting along the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Journal of
the U.S., 8(4): 206 - 208.
- World environments
Dearborn, J.H. 1972. Polar environments. Harper and
Row, New York. 9 pages of text and set of 100 color slides. In H.B. Fell
(ed.), World environments. (Special Harper and Row series of color photographs
and accompanying text dealing with specific regions, each set published
- 1972 Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
Dearborn, J.H., K.W. Allen, J.-C.
Hureau, and P,M, Arnaud, 1972. Ecological and taxonomic studies of
echinoderms, mollusks, and fishes from the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic
Journal of the U.S., 7(4): 80 - 82.
- Journal of Morphology
Turner, R.L. and J.H. Dearborn. 1972. Skeletal
morphology of the mud star, Ctenodiscus crispatus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea).
Journal of Morphology, 138: 239 - 262.
- Antarctic Journal of the U.S.
Dearborn, J.H. and D. Dean. 1970.
Invertebrates from the Davis Strait and Labrador Sea. Antarctic Journal of the
U.S., 5(5): 192.
- American Geographical Society
Dearborn, J.H. and J.A. Rommel. 1969.
Crinoidea. In Distribution of selected groups of marine invertebrates in
waters south of 35o S latitude. Folio 11, Antarctic Map Folio Series, American
Geographical Society. Pages 35 - 36 and Plate No. 21.
- 1968 Journal of Mammalogy
Dearborn, J.H., 1968. An unusual leap by a
Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens). Journal of
Mammalogy, 49: 328 - 329.
- Australian Natural History
Dearborn, J.H., 1968. Benthic invertebrates.
Australian Natural History, 16(4): 134 - 139. (Special Antarctic Issue)
- Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand (Zoology)
J.H., 1967. Food and reproduction of Glyptonotus antarcticus (Crustacea:
Isopoda) at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Transactions of the Royal Society of
New Zealand (Zoology), 8(15): 163 - 168.
- New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
Dearborn, J.H., 1967. Stanford University invertebrate studies in
the Ross Sea, 1958-61: general account and station list. p. 31 - 47 In
Bullivant, J.S. and J.H. Dearborn, 1967. The fauna of the Ross Sea. Part 5.
General accounts, station lists, and benthic ecology. New Zealand Department
of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin, 176: 77 pages.
- Ph.D. Dissertation
Dearborn, J.H., 1965. Ecological and faunistic
investigations of the marine benthos at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Ph.D.
Dissertation, Stanford University, Stanford, California; xiv + 238 p., illus.
- Copeia
Dearborn, J.H., 1965. Reproduction in the nototheniid fish
Trematomus bernacchii Boulenger at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Copeia 1965, No.
3: 302 - 308.
- 1965 Journal of Mammalogy
Dearborn, J.H., 1965. Food of Weddell seals
at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Journal of Mammalogy, 46: 37 - 43.
- Journal of Mammalogy
Dearborn, J.H., 1962. An unusual occurrence of the
leopard seal at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Journal of Mammalogy, 43: 273 -
- 1957 Michigan State University
Dearborn, J.H. 1957. A preliminary study
of the food habits of the green crab, Carcinides maenas (L.) with particular
reference to the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria (L.). M.S. Thesis (unpubl.),
Michigan State University, 48 pages.
Dearborn, J.H., 1957. Notes on the birds of Kitoi Bay, Afognak
Island, Alaska. In Science in Alaska, Proc. Eighth Alaska Sci. Conf., Alaska
Division, AAAS: 83 - 88.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MPRI was not able to hold any events in 2020 but below is a summary of our past events.
2019 EVENTS:
In October, our annual National Fossil Day took place at the Oak Bluffs Public Library. See pictures from this event on the Oak Bluffs Library's Facebook page here.
In May, we took fossil programs for seniors to Windemere Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and in June to The Anchors Senior Center in Edgartown in collaboration with the Martha's Vineyard Center for Living and in collaboration with the MV Museum.
In April, Susie Bowman
and Fred Hotchkiss presented
Horseshoe Crabs: A Story of Beach Trysts and Blue Bloods, a free lecture and slide show about lives and history of horseshoe crabs and opportunities to be involved in the Horseshoe Crab Citizen Science Survey Project -- at the West Tisbury, Edgartown and Oak Bluffs libraries
In March, we visited two 8th grade science classes of Mrs. Connie Alexander in Tisbury, bringing a range of fossils for study and discussion.
In March, we brought touchable fossils to preschoolers at the Island Children's School in West Tisbury.
In February, we visited the 7th grade science classes of Ms. Lea Dorr in Oak Bluffs as they studied geology and the history of beach pebbles found on the Vineyard.
Fossil Heritage Collection
Specimens purchased with the help of our generous donors.